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From the blog

Sea Dog Paddle series

Towards the end of last year fellow FHPS member Keith Lyle and myself got the opportunity to be stand-in photographers at some of the weekly paddle competitions on Fish Hoek beach. This is expected to continue till the end of summer.

It’s a fascinating opportunity, because it sometimes happens in a stokingwind (causing wind-chop as well as sandblasting one’s lens while coating everything with salt) and covers 4 distinct phases: the preparation on the beach (a low key, group portrait-gathering, phase) followed by the actual event where you need to find the right vantage point and focal length (not to mention shutter+ISO speed, as it is a lower light evening event), followed by the manic sprints from the water to the finishing post, and finally the gathering for spot prizes and awards.

You can view more photos on our sports photography page.